Research on human values The world is so large and vast, with its various continents and countries, that it cannot live without the values ?? that organize it and the principles that take care of the lives of its people. Otherwise, wars will prevail. meaning? They are human values, and for people, in particular, they are What are human values? Values ?? are a set of principles upon which life and man to show it seeks, it is that help that Yahya dignified and healthy life, they that preserve the dignity and freedom, and supports their rights, and urging him to carry out his duties, and keeps his presentation and his money and his mind, and the work, freedom Justice, "A in a group, as for human values, they are first of all, as a member of human values ??as an individual is a human being. And many more, and this is what we will learn in our article today about human values, their definition, importance, and classification. Human values ?? value defin...
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