english translation
Research on human values
The world is so large and vast, with its various continents and countries, that it cannot live without the values ?? that organize it and the principles that take care of the lives of its people. Otherwise, wars will prevail. meaning? They are human values, and for people, in particular, they are
What are human values?
Values ?? are a set of principles upon which life and man to show it seeks, it is that help that Yahya dignified and healthy life, they that preserve the dignity and freedom, and supports their rights, and urging him to carry out his duties, and keeps his presentation and his money and his mind, and the work, freedom Justice, "A in a group, as for human values, they are first of all, as a member of human values ??as an individual is a human being. And many more, and this is what we will learn in our article today about human values, their definition, importance, and classification.
Human values ?? value definition is a precious thing in humans, which seeks to owning and acquiring it, and the humanitarian value is the humanitarian principles that came in all religions, and focused on all civilizations, and unanimously approved by the thinkers and philosophers, and confirmed by the human mind and endorsed by instinct
Healthy humanity includes traits such as tolerance, respect, honesty, justice, and the aforementioned.
The importance of human values
The importance of human values ?? to the individual and society is great, as the values come to organize human life and achieve happiness, peace, and prosperity, and this is what we will know about the importance of human values. values ?? work humanity on uniting nations and make them nation one, about way Establishing respect, understanding, and acceptance of the other and rejecting conflicts that are based on discrimination based on color, gender, and race, so we work human values ?? on all differences and urge to see similarities to deepen communication between peoples Among the beauties of human values ?? and their importance is the increase in the motivation of individuals to work and produce, as it increases their self-esteem, which increases their productivity and their love for work.
Human values ?? work to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and love among all members of society and make them live in a world full of love and peace, taking into account the feelings, circumstances, and needs of others. Charity increases with the presence of human values ?? in society, such as helping the poor, fulfilling the needs of others, consolation, altruism, and other beautiful qualities that we like to see in our society. Of the importance of human values, the most needed in our society is to control the behaviour and actions of the individual and keep him away from evil acts such as murder, theft, and cheating, and to help him control his desires, as this makes a person human before anything else.
Characteristics of human values
Human values ?? are characterized by a set of characteristics, which are mentioned below.
It is humanism, that is, it pertains to humans only, without other beings
It is humanism, that is, it pertains to humans only, without other beings
It is subjective, so despite its generality and the agreement of societies on it, the individual's feeling about it differs from one person to another, and his method
His performance and the way he feels
It differs between people
It is relative, values ?? differ from time to time
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